Monday, September 17, 2012

Aw shucks!

After working at the Gateway VC yesterday, I decided to take one of the back roads home to the rig.  It was nearing 5:00, so a good time to try to see some more bears.  I was not disappointed as far as seeing bears is concerned; I spotted five of them.  What I was disappointed in was the fact that my 75-300mm telephoto lens stopped working.  Aw shucks!


I couldn’t take any pictures using it, the camera started making an unusual pulsing motor type sound, and all I got was an error message.  Had I been able to use the telephoto lens, you would have seen this bear with a full ear of corn in its mouth a lot more clearly.  There was also an opportunity to get a wonderful shot of a mama bear and one of her cubs, but it was not to be.  Aw shucks!


As I drove the perimeter route today to fill the pamphlet boxes, I noticed that the goldenrod was in full bloom everywhere I went.  Since I was limited to my regular lens today, the rest of the photos tonight show the importance of the goldenrod to the insect world.


The error reading that I got on my camera said that the camera and the lens could not communicate with each other.  Who would have guessed that parts of a camera talk to each other?  Not me.  Anyway, the error message also suggested that I clean the lens connections.  I did that last night as soon as I got home.


Guess what?  It didn’t make one bit of difference.  It still didn’t work.  That’s when I emailed Bayfield AL for any suggestions he might have.


I tried everything he suggested, but the result is the same.  It won’t work.  I even tried re-cleaning the connectors again tonight.  By the way, everything works fine with the camera if I use my regular lens, so I’m thinking the problem is with the telephoto. 

IMG_0667 IMG_0665

I bought this used lens four years ago on eBay, and I have to say that finding myself without the option of using it last night and today left me somewhat saddened.  I guess it’s like what someone that relies upon a smart phone or I-pad daily would feel if they suddenly found themselves without them.


Photography is a hobby that brings me great joy.  It has helped me to slow down and enjoy more fully the natural world around me, so you can bet that I’ll continue to seek a solution to this little stumbling block.  In the meantime, I have the next three days off.  I need to figure out what little adventures Emma and I can go on before Friday rolls around.  Flirt male

Thanks for stopping by… talk to you later,  Judy