After being assured that someone from Mayo would call me by Dec. 5, it didn’t happen. Since I was working all day today in the VC, I gave them a call, once again. I finally got to talk to the surgery scheduler, and she knew nothing about my request for surgery.
More photos tonight from my boat trip through the swamp on Sunday.
So I recited the story for the umpteenth time. Holly told me that yes, a surgery schedule had been set up for Dr. Brodersen, but I wasn’t on it.
So much for the other folks I have spoken to promising me they would get my information to the scheduler.
Great Egret boogying out at our approach.
This young lady took down all of my pertinent information, but gave me some rather interesting things to think about. Apparently, the doctor’s first scheduled surgery day for in-patients falls on December 25, and the Operating Room is closed on that day. I got the impression that in-patient surgeries are only scheduled once a week, and guess what is just a week later? Yep, New Years Eve. Do you think the operating room will be open then?
There were some other details to take care of like getting me okayed for surgery before actually scheduling a date. I won’t go into all of those details, but she promised to leave a message on my cell phone with the results of her efforts to get me scheduled. Yea right. I’ve heard that before.
Adult little blue heron.
Have I mentioned before that I have very poor cell phone reception here and my calls to Mayo are made from the land line phone at the VC? I explained that to her, and she assured me she would leave a message. She also said she had tomorrow off, so I probably wouldn’t hear from her until Monday… something about getting my medical records from Jacksonville, FL, where they would access my Rochester, MN, Mayo records.
White ibis on take off.
Can you imagine my shock tonight when I got home from work and there was a message on my cell phone? Holly had actually left me a message that the records from Jacksonville would probably arrive to her on Monday, and she would endeavor to get me scheduled somehow before the end of the year for surgery. Halleluiah!! There will be a couple of appointments before that, but I’m ready to rumble. Finally, I have a time frame to work with.
I know this isn’t the usual travel log type of subject to post about, but writing about this medical journey helps me deal with the stress of it all. I thank you for listening…
Thanks for stopping by… talk to you later, Judy