Dear Chicago, I've kinda sorta missed you lately. My parents are there right now enjoying all of your great food, good people and amazing lakeside summer weather. Hopefully we'll be back to visit sooner rather than later. Dear 5k, you are the first that I have ever signed up for and another thing I can mark off my list of goals. Thankfully I'll have a great group of girls to run with (well, they'll run, I'll huff and puff and try to keep up) and awesome sparkle skirts to get more stares from Koreans with. Dear school, I love that I now have Mondays off but I think I may cry a little when I see my paycheck. I keep reminding myself that God has always provided more classes in the past, this will be no different. Trust and faith are two things I always need to practice. Dear weather, I thought that leaving Tulsa would be great because Korea couldn't possibly be as bad that. Wrong. You are much more muggy and humid. Horrible for trying to start running again. Dear new sports bra, so glad that I got you and you keep everything 'in place'. Should make running just a little more enjoyable. Dear hubs, when I went out for my first 'run' (I think it was just over a quarter mile. Baby steps...very small baby steps) you were the biggest motivation while giving me bits of positive reinforcement as I went out the door. When I got back (about ten minutes later) you had a post run smoothie ready for me. I can't believe that I get to call you mine.
Friday, August 24, 2012
Dear Chicago, I've kinda sorta missed you lately. My parents are there right now enjoying all of your great food, good people and amazing lakeside summer weather. Hopefully we'll be back to visit sooner rather than later. Dear 5k, you are the first that I have ever signed up for and another thing I can mark off my list of goals. Thankfully I'll have a great group of girls to run with (well, they'll run, I'll huff and puff and try to keep up) and awesome sparkle skirts to get more stares from Koreans with. Dear school, I love that I now have Mondays off but I think I may cry a little when I see my paycheck. I keep reminding myself that God has always provided more classes in the past, this will be no different. Trust and faith are two things I always need to practice. Dear weather, I thought that leaving Tulsa would be great because Korea couldn't possibly be as bad that. Wrong. You are much more muggy and humid. Horrible for trying to start running again. Dear new sports bra, so glad that I got you and you keep everything 'in place'. Should make running just a little more enjoyable. Dear hubs, when I went out for my first 'run' (I think it was just over a quarter mile. Baby steps...very small baby steps) you were the biggest motivation while giving me bits of positive reinforcement as I went out the door. When I got back (about ten minutes later) you had a post run smoothie ready for me. I can't believe that I get to call you mine.
friday's letters