When we first took it out of the freezer it actually looked pretty great, but as it defrosted it started to look more and more…grey. Not a good sign. I could tell by the nauseous look on hubs face that he was not looking forward to this. Needless to say, we were pleasantly surprised. It was still moist and tasted almost the same as it did on our wedding day. Except for an extra little punch of sweetness in the aftertaste.
{a before picture of what it used to look like}
{a little smooshed and definitely grey}
We didn’t finish it, but everyone that was there got their fair share of cake that night. I owe it to my sister who generously offered to freeze it for us when we left on our honeymoon. She said that the trick is to first put it in the freezer uncovered until the frosting is frozen. Then, she put it in a Ziploc bag and sucked out as much air as possible. Last, she put the bag in a plastic cake holder and put it in the freezer. Just in case you ever have some leftover cake you want to save for a few years from now.
{he secretly enjoyed it}