I have to take a moment and give credit where credit is due. Because this man of mine does a whole lot more than I could ever ask or give him credit for.
So in celebration of what he calls his 'funeral' of turning 30 (even though we all know he'll forever act like he's in his 20's) I am making this post an ode to the birthday boy. The man behind the blog who doesn't get the spotlight nearly enough.
So here's to the the man who....
has awesome photos like this from when he was little. Seriously, anytime I'm having a bad day, this photo instantly makes me feel better.
forever changed my mind about redheads. I mean come on, how can you not think that red headed little cowboy is adorable?!is patient with me in working on my fears. He's actually holding my hand so I don't go back up!
edits and shoots all of our photos. That's right. Every photo on here that doesn't look like it was taken with a phone (I take full credit for those) was produced by him. I couldn't ask for a better blogging partner.
always knows just how to make me smile.
gets up early every.single.morning to make us breakfast so I can take my time getting ready for work.
lets kids dress him up and who made my heart melt when we were kindi teachers and he would make up stories and tell them everyday in class.

is a daredevil extraordinaire. And even though I have had to close up, clean up and take care of more wounds than I care to count, I can never say that life with him is boring.
So, to the man who is above and beyond what I ever could have hope for...
30 has never looked so good.