Monday, August 5, 2013

A drunken orgy

That’s the description that one of my local commenters left last night of what WE FEST is in Detroit Lakes.  It’s a gathering of fans and performers of Country Music that descend on this area the first weekend in August each year.  It’s been going on for 31 years.  I had never heard of it until I came to Tamarac NWR.

I don’t know how it got the name WE FEST, but after today, my opinion is that it’s a rather presumptive assumption that all that matters is those that attend.  The ‘WE’ that attends doesn’t give two craps about anything but themselves and overindulgence. 

The grounds for this fest, it’s venues, and campgrounds is immense in size.  45,000 people get packed into an area for a weekend that features drinking, concerts, drinking, camping, and more drinking.  Mostly, the amenities are porta-potti’s and access to alcohol.

So, why would I find myself here the day after the fest?  Well, the Tamarac NWR Friends Group volunteers to clean up the aftermath.  This is what we saw upon arrival early this morning:

2013-08-052Acre upon acre of trash!  Each of us earned $9/hour today to donate to the Friends Group.  I’m not sure it was worth it.  Between yesterday and today, probably close to $2000 was raised for the group.

Not all of the trash shows up in these pics.  You can’t hardly take a step without picking up about fifteen items to put in your trash bag.  Can you imagine leaving your campsite for the weekend by just dumping all your garbage all around your site?  Well, that’s what WE FEST folks do.  They leave clothes, booze, puke, beer cans, hamburger meat, bread, boxes, ping pong tables, and anything else your mind can conjure up just tossed carelessly about.  And yes, dumpsters are provided along with lots of garbage bags.  Some people used a few of the bags, but hardly anyone took the time to put their refuse in the dumpsters.


We had about 20 stalwart senior ‘Friends’ that showed up for this distasteful task today.  Our camaraderie is the only thing that made this day bearable.  Ha!  I thought I was the queen of litter before.  Little did I know!


Remember those pictures at the beginning of the post?  Well, this is what the camping areas looked like after our crew went through.  Quite a difference I’d say.  I don’t think there is a bone in my body that doesn’t ache tonight, and I’m putting all my clothes from today directly into the washer.  They just reek of beer and booze from the splashes from unfinished containers.  As far as the orgy part of this past weekend is concerned, I can report that we only found a limited number of used condoms.  Either the fans were too drunk to care, or they couldn’t ‘perform’ after their alcohol intake.  Surprised smile


Steve and I arrived for the day in this refuge truck.  I’d like you to notice how high off the ground the body is, and that there is no running board to help someone with very short legs (me) into it.  It was a struggle for me to get into it, and I felt like a paratrooper upon exit.  However, Jim, one of the local volunteers had a method to help me leap into the truck.  I leave you with that imaginary sight tonight:


                                                                               THE END!!

Thanks for stopping by… talk to you later,  Judy