Top of Mt. Muju |
Dear Ski Trip, even though I got hurt on my
first time down the mountain, you still turned out to be a great time. Even if it meant that I walked like I had a blunt object stuck up my rear for the rest of the weekend.
Attractive huh?
Dear Fear, watching The Impossible
and Tsunami: Caught on Tape (includes real footage and interviews with survivors) weeks before I go to Thailand is not the best idea. But in the comforting words of hubs: 'natural disasters can happen any place and anytime.' Thanks for the reminder love.
Dear Mom and Dad, please don't watch aforementioned movies until
after we're back from Thailand next month. It will be better for both of us.
Dear Compassion, after watching the mentioned documentary, I was blown away at people's selflessness, courage and compassion in the midst of a tragedy. People helped perfect strangers, went out of their way to make sure they were ok, and sometimes endangered their life trying to help others. There is, in fact, still good in this world. Let us never forget that.
Dear Asia, I love you and your affordable tailors. Two shorts, pants and a shirt tailored for under $25? Don't mind if I do.
Linking up with Ashley and LaurenP.S. Want a way to cure that wanderlust of yours? Don't forget to enter Daryl's
huge giveaway on her
blog! One lucky winner will get $500 to put towards
any travel adventure!