Dear El Gitano, you are the first Mexican restaurant on the island and you open today! Be prepared to be bombarded by foreigners. We'll for sure be there this weekend. Dear hubs, we need a date night marathon. Good thing we have a five day vacation in two week and I get you all to myself! (enter evil laugh here) Dear apartment, you’re finally starting to feel like home. I just have a few more finishing touches and then you’re finished! Never thought it would be possible to make a Korean apartment feel a little Americanized. Or as Americanized as you can get when you have sparkly wallpaper. Dear 5k, less than 30 days left. Registration is done, sparkle skirts are in, and the hostel is booked. I should probably start running. Dear Kindi, I love that you now think ‘heads down’ is a game and ask to play it in class. I’ll ‘play’ it with you anytime. Dear typhoon, really? Another one? At least this time I’m already stocked up on candles.
In other news, the sweet Shireen from Eat, Play, Love that Top was gracious enough (or crazy enough) to host me on her blog! Go check it out!