dear ukulele, you're proving to be more difficult than i thought but i am bound and determined to learn how to play at least one song!
dear hubs, i am so excited to hear you give your sermon at church this sunday. who better to talk about joy than one of the most genuinely joyful people i know. i am oh so proud.
dear rainy season, you and your sticky gross humidity can just go away.
dear korea, i realize that you have no reason to ever celebrate america's independence, but still giving us the day off would have been nice.
dear cliffs, the weather still says partly sunny, so as of now, we're coming for you tomorrow.
dear thailand, we found incredibly cheap tickets for you. i realize that our vacation isn't for another eight months but we're already so excited to go! elephants, tigers and scuba oh my!
dear students, thank you for being extra studious for your big school exam and not showing up to my classes. out of six middle school classes, i taught two this week. i can't help but love when the big school exam comes 4 times a year. oh and thank you boss for thinking it's an excellent idea to show movies in all my classes next week because "the kids will need a break."