Monday, June 11, 2012
sand castle festival
last weekend we headed into busan to check out the annual sand castle festival. word to the wise: never head into a big city on a saturday afternoon. we had plans that morning so couldn't leave until 2 and that meant that we were very unfortunately stuck in 3 hours of traffic. thank goodness we had the company of good friends.
they had sand sledding for the wee ones. it was one of the few times that i wish i was a little kid again.
one of the of the many sand sculptures at the festival. they were so detailed and intricate. i will admit, i thought that the sand sculptures would be more upright instead of flat against a heap of sand but i'll take what i can get.
these girls were so cute while putting the finishing touches on the race car that they obviously did on their own with no help.
we ended the trip with a visit to our favorite mexican restaurant, taco señora. always the perfect way to end a trip to the city.
life in korea,