The sky was blue with no winds as I took Emma for her first outs this morning. Yahoo! However, shortly after I started getting things ready to head out a dense fog bank rolled in. Hmm…what to do? I decided to continue with my preparations, and it was a good decision. We rolled out by 9:30 to begin our 220 mile trek to Mississippi Sandhill Crane NWR. The last five miles to I-10 were as white knuckle as I had expected, and that 25 mile drive took me close to an hour.
Then we zipped along to just east of Baton Rouge. The construction traffic wasn’t too bad, but once we were on I-12 things soon came to a virtual stop. It took me almost an hour to go seven miles. Turns out it was an awful accident involving several 18 wheelers. Then it was an absolute must that I find a gas station. My first try was a bust. No way to get my rig with the toad in and out for gasoline. It would have been okay if I needed diesel, but of course I don’t. Eventually I was able to find a place to fuel up, and put in 73 gallons. I don’t like to get that low on fuel so I was becoming a nervous wreck.
Finally, close to 3:00, I pulled into the refuge. I had two sites to choose from, but I was not at all comfortable with trying to get into the one I had chosen. Too many trees too close together for my nerves. Luckily, Tom, one of the other volunteers that drives a motorhome, said he would maneuver it into the site; and he very carefully did so. I suppose I could have done it myself, but I’m not so proud that I don’t appreciate help when I’m nervous about something.
I also had some help from another volunteer, Don, with the initial set up. He had pretty much done all the improvements on this site, and he and his wife, Mary, helped me get the electric, water, and sewer connections done which involved traipsing through the undergrowth. We all moved the heavy picnic table in front of the rig, and I was good to go for the night. Tomorrow I’ll tackle the DISH set up, which will be a challenge, and finish up a few other things for an extended stay.
I also found that I knew another volunteer couple that is here. I volunteered with Al and Phyllis back in 2007 at Laguna Atascosa NWR. It’s amazing how our paths cross without planning.
Just before sunset, I took a quick walk down to the bayou where I did some kayaking last year. Yep, it’s still there.
I’m happy to be back.
Thanks for stopping by… talk to you later, Judy