Monday, November 7, 2011

Birdie, birdie in the sky…

…Dropped some white wash in my eye

   I didn’t scream, I didn’t cry,

   I’m just glad that cows don’t fly!

I felt like I was in that Alfred Hitchcock movie, “The Birds” today.  Thousands of boat-tailed grackles decided the RV pads were the place to be.  Guess what happens when thousands of birds are circling in the sky overhead for several hours?  Thanks goodness, I really didn’t get hit in the eye, but my rig is a mess on the outside.  Yuck!  I don’t think they missed a window! 


Yesterday morning, Emma began barking outside.  As I gingerly made my way to the door, this cowboy was riding past the rigs.  Turned out he was on a mission to close the gates at the entrance road to the RV pads.

64 Anahuac NWR 20112

That could only mean one thing.  A cattle drive was underway.  I got Emma ensconced in the rig, since I knew she wouldn’t be able to contain herself.  Nobody needed a stampede.  These cattle drives are pretty common around here as the ranchers lease grazing land in the refuge.  They move the cattle around often so no one area is over grazed. 

Since I’m pretty well confined to the rig until my back heals, I appreciated the diversion.  If you happen to be driving down the road at a time like this, you have no choice but to stop and wait until the herd flows around you. 


                                                                                 THE END!

Thanks for stopping by… talk to you later,  Judy