Hot Diggety Dog! The part came in shortly after dawn, the brakes were bled, and the wiring to the parking brake replaced. After a couple of test drives, it was deemed repaired and safe for me to travel! I paid the $100 deductible for the nearly $5500 bill, hooked up the toad, and was on the road by 2:00 in the afternoon. The trip through the southern portion of Chicago ensued, but I didn’t care. I was free at last.
By 4:30 I was setting up home at Prairie Pines Campground in Rantoul, IL. This is the campground where my friends, Linda and JIM, roost at every summer, so I knew it was a fine place to stop for the night. I only traveled about 120 miles today, but for me it was like traveling to a different planet from the parking lot.
As you can see, Emma was happy to actually find some grass without sand burrs! We are both very happy campers. I’ve got 50 amps, and full hookups for the first time in a month. And I don’t have to hang onto furniture as I walk through the rig because it’s level! Besides being in a parking lot, I’ve been on a real slant for the last four weeks. Adversity helps you appreciate those little things in life. With a working parking brake, I can actually level the rig; and when I stepped on the brakes today, the rig came to a stop. Whew!
While I was waiting yesterday, my oldest son, Daniel, got on Team Viewer and got me all set up for using Chrome instead of Internet Explorer. What a difference that has made. I really like it, and he was able to instantly import all my favorite places into Chrome. RICK wrote about how to do this a short time ago, and I was going to try doing it when things calmed down, but Dan did it for me in minutes. So, I thank both of them.
Not a spectacular sunset tonight, but it sure beats the parking lot view with all the 18 wheelers and trains going by.
I’m almost tempted to stay here a few days to regroup from the stress of the last month, but I’ll check the weather forecast first before I make any decisions about that. I’m just so relieved to be back on the road, again!
Thanks for stopping by… talk to you later, Judy
P.S. This was written on Tuesday, but I couldn’t get it to post last night.